Our Head

Christine McLelland joined as Head of Buxlow Preparatory School & Nursery in September 2023. Christine has over 24 years of experience in both state maintained and independent sectors, including 7 years as Executive Head across 3 independent schools in Hampstead. 

Preparing for the future

At Buxlow we believe that happiness is the key to successful learning, particularly in the formative years of education and we are committed to providing our pupils with an enjoyable learning experience, a curiosity for knowledge and a real sense of achievement. A place where mistakes are marvellous, where children thrive and friendships are made for life.

Our aim is to prepare our pupils for an exciting and ever-changing future, ensuring they have developed key skills beyond the purely academic.

2024 sees the introduction of Philosophy for Children (P4C) across the school. P4C will provide the pupils with the opportunity to develop key skills that will serve them well in the future world of work, as identified by the World Economic Forum: 

  • Complex problem-solving
  • Critical thinking and analysis
  • Creativity, originality and initiative
  • Leadership and social influence
  • Resilience and flexibility
  • Reasoning and ideation

Thanks to our small class sizes and homely environment; at Buxlow we are able to focus on the individual child, developing the characteristics of effective learning and creative arts. Building on children’s interests and passions are at the heart of the curriculum, alongside fostering a genuine love of learning, leading to excellent academic outcomes. 

I look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school.

Mrs Christine McLelland

Find out more

I was recently interviewed by a local newspaper, the Brent and Kilburn Times, and was delighted to share my passion for teaching and vision for Buxlow Prep School. The article can be viewed using the link below.

Read Article

To reflect on my time at Buxlow so far, I interviewed my Year 5 pupils. Read the interview below.

Read Interview

Book to Visit

Our next Open Morning is being held on:

Saturday 8th June at 10:00

Please use the form here to book your place. I look forward to meeting you!