
There are four school houses at Buxlow, each named after a previous Headteacher: O’Donnell (red)
Probyn (yellow)
Emery (blue)
Nicolle (green)

Year 6 House Captains assist the House Teacher in selecting entrants for house competitions and help with House Meetings. They are also responsible for collecting house points at the end of each week and reading the results out in assembly. House Captains also aim to drum up support for their house’s chosen charity, and lead the way at fundraising events.

Leadership Opportunities

Pupils have the chance to lead in each year group. Roles range from Eco Council, School Council, House Point Monitors to Book Monitors and beyond.

Every child in Year 6 has the opportunity to take on a leadership role at Buxlow, and as such, the number of school prefects, whose roles are primarily to assist younger pupils, is dependent on the size of the current cohort. However, each year a certain number of roles are chosen at the start of the Autumn Term, with these children serving in their roles until the end of the Summer Term. These roles are: Head Boy and Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Girl, School Council Monitor and House Captains for the school houses. These roles are considered to be a great honour and the children chosen carry out the role with pride.

School Council

The School Council meets twice each half term. Each class elects a representative to attend the meetings, where they are able to discuss any issues raised by the children. Other School Council duties include:

  • Visiting classroom to speak with pupils about the school and what can be improved
  • Meeting with a teacher to discuss their findings. These may include school uniforms, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.
  • Being responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning discos and writing newspaper articles.
  • Acting as ambassadors for their school and try hard to be a good example in the classroom and playground.

Eco Council

Eco Council members are made up from pupils in Years 1 to 6. They meet regularly to review progress on their Eco Action Plan and to generate ideas for ways in which we can be more eco-friendly and to ensure that looking after our planet remains high on the agenda. Initiatives led by the team have included: Writing to the local MP about traffic pollution, planting spring flowering bulbs, setting a whole school weekly Eco Challenge in the Buxlow Bulletin, litter picking.