At Buxlow we take care of our school and other people.

We place great importance on pastoral care, recognising that each student's well-being is essential to their academic and personal success. All our staff at Buxlow School provide a nurturing and supportive environment for our pupils. They aim to create a sense of community, where every child feels valued, respected, and understood.

Being a small school, one of our significant strengths is our ability to educate the whole child and that no child is left behind. We pride ourselves on knowing our pupils really well. Our pupils know that they can speak with any adult in the school if they have any worrries and they make good use of our Worry Monster system. 

Albert our school dog is always available for a chat and a cuddle. He is a very good listener and is by far the most popular member of our school community. Mrs McLelland's office is always busy on the days that Albert comes to school!

We always aim to work in conjunction with parents and guardians to build strong links between home and school, and this starts at the very beginning of your journey with us.

All children are encouraged to be responsible, from Reception through to the oldest children in Year 6. As the children move up the school they take on increasing responsibilities. We hope that by doing this the children will be more aware of their surroundings and other people and take greater care of both.


